My favourite blogs
KY travels – Taipei Family Tour Day 4 – Beef Noodle, Taipei Zoo, and the
best Siu Mai
The fourth day at Taiwan started out with a morning run, and then a long
queue at one of the most popular soya bean places in all of Taipei. We
parked at o...
5 weeks ago
Summer Road Trip 2024
We didn’t have any plans for a summer vacation, but rather a weekend trip
somewhere in the countryside. But this year’s summer weather has been
unsteady. O...
6 months ago
En la koro de Eleonoro - Dans le coeur d'Eléonore: Version bilingue
esperanto - français
Category: Livres,Livres pour enfants,Développement personnel et santé
En la koro de Eleonoro - Dans le coeur d'Eléonore: Version bilingue
esperanto - fra...
5 years ago
This is the 100% Clean All-Natural Skincare Brand Every Sensitive Skin Girl
Need in Her Bathroom
Never heard of Huygens? Neither had I. But you should. And this is why.
In recent years, possibly due to age, my face has gotten a whole lot more
5 years ago
Hi I like Your Blog. Your blog is really informati...
Hi I like Your Blog. Your blog is really informative and helpful for all.
Keep updating with newer post on Personal loan interest rate for Wipro.
6 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Is that investment scheme legal ?
Dear Sir,
We refer to your email dated XX May 2017 on the above.
For your information, if the investment scheme clearly offers an investment
7 years ago
都是工作。一些我不得不做的工作, 与一些我不得不交涉的人沟通。
8 years ago
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
8 years ago
*Merry Christmas everyone*.
*Peace on Earth*
*Goodwill to All Men*
9 years ago
Beginner (Level 1): Mice & Cheese
The mice are out to play! This class is suitable for students of all ages
and levels. What students will learn: Carve and decorate wedges of
realistic lo...
11 years ago
Beautiful Maldives
Maldives beaches are simply beautiful. Fine powdery white sand and crystal
clear blue water. One of the most gorgeous places we visited. One of our
most un...
13 years ago
Flavored Days
Things don't taste as good when I have a busy life.
One month of break I got back home to family. While helping out on my
sister's preperation for her wedd...
13 years ago
Jeremiah Photography: Miss Earth Sabah 2011 FINALISTS
Jeremiah Photography: Miss Earth Sabah 2011 FINALISTS: " Please vote for my
sister for Miss Earth FB Favorite 2011 Just JOIN T...
13 years ago
Tasty Drink House
Tasty Drink House is located somewhere in the heart of town, I have to
admit that you will need a sharp eye to spot this shop. It's at a corner,
behind San...
14 years ago
Holiday Again!
[image: Langkawi]
Much needed vacation!
Ohay! By the time you see this post, I will be enjoying my *holiday*
somewhere! I am taking this whole week off. Af...
14 years ago
14 years ago
Romantic Venice
Our cruise vacation began in Venice……….. We started by taking 11:25am
Ryanair from London Stansted and arrived Venice Treviso at 2:20pm. We
hopped on ATVD ...
15 years ago
(*搬遷啟事*:以下是這裡*最後一篇*文章。本舊址已*停止更新*,請移玉步至新址 *ngszehin.net* 或訂閱永久 RSS Feed:
昨晚那篇是新居的第一 post。現在再補充。
首先,我再次要後悔不早一點獨立。如我所說,整個搬家過程,由 installation 到揀 theme ...
15 years ago
See and download the full gallery on posterous
Posted via email from mabeltan's posterous
15 years ago
I wont be updating this blog but I will be updating my website
so head over to kingtan.com.au and bookmark it!
16 years ago
Rhythm guitar (1)
To master rhythm guitar, it’s not that easy. Many effort need to be made to
get it accomplished. However, don’t expect that you can play better after
you r...
16 years ago
Daph Collection
I love baking! I can't remember when I start to make my 1st cake..10 years
ago? I really have no idea about this. I always had been asked by people
around ...
16 years ago
Why Hot Shit Form Here?
I have been asked a lot of questions why I chose to name my blog, HOT SHIT
FORM HERE. Some of them even said that I try to mislead my readers. If you
feel ...
17 years ago
how do you spell idiot? M-A-L-A-Y-S-I-A-N D-R-I-V-E-R
There are some people on the street who should be more aware of themselves,
i.e. if they fall into the "capable" category of drivers or if they fall
into t...
18 years ago
reading the 3rd character of each line ..
not sure if it means anything but I quite like it leh ....
those 4 words are the core of the sentence too. Sure it does means something
So deep ... By looking at the picture, I just wish to be like him, seems like very fun but maybe contradict with the message then you intent to send. :)
Good to know that you do read chinese, Champdog :P I thou u r matsalleh :)) An honor of your visit :))
Is it contradicting? In my point of view, the pic matches perfectly with the passage, probably cos it is how i feel. The passage might sound 'independent' in a way that i 'dont care' but yet in the pic, i was being dragged and I still go on with life with sorrow, or free will, if u wanna call it as... :)) thats my interpretation for the post :)) it is a expression of Jane; mtsen, chamdog and others could have all other greater/deeper interpretations from own perspective :))
Yes, I do read Chinese but it is the primary 6 standard. :)
apparently we only need to study chinese up to std 6 to 'survive'. I might have wasted too much time on chinese lit. :(
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