Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Make time for Solitude...

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Make time for solitude. 

Seek ways to restore peace in yourself - a slow walk in the park, meditation or spiritual readings. 

Be present to your quiet mind and peaceful heart. 

Recognize that feeling and bring up the same feeling in times of stress.


The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. 

Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

The best way to conquer your enemies is to make them your friends.

LOVE is the key that will open even the hardest heart.

Freedom without responsibility is like a child without oversight.

Relax and enjoy life. You'll never live this day again.

Relieve stress by lifting your eyes to Heaven.

Your day is as good as you make it.

Life is like a song. Which tune are you singing?

LOVE is giving, especially when it hurts.

LOVE is magical. It's a language the deaf can hear, a song the crippled can dance to, and a sunset the blind can see.

It always pays to put others before yourself. It's the path to true happiness.

I see GOD's love in my loved one's eyes. 
I feel GOD's love in the cool summer breeze. I hear GOD's love in the bird's song.

The life you live will soon be past, but the things you do for LOVE will last.

TRUE LOVE pulls others through, carries them over, looks beyond. It knows no bounds.

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